IEEE FNWF’23 will host Industry Forum and Panel Sessions. Forum and Panel presentation materials will not be published in the conference proceedings but will be available on the conference website. Industry-focused sessions are encouraged, but a forum or panel outside the industry (government or research) will also be considered.
Industry Forum and Panel Proposal Submission: 4 August 2023 8 September 2023 25 September 2023 (FINAL)
Industry Forum and Panel Proposal Acceptance Notification: Rolling basis
Industry Forum and Panel Proposal Format
The proposal should include the following information (within a maximum of four pages):
- Title of Industry Forum or Panel
- Name, affiliation, and e-mail of Industry Forum or Panel organizers
- Abstract (200 words)
- Description of the Industry Forum or Panel proposal
- Scope
- Objective
- Tentative timeline schedule
- Intended audience
- Prior history of the Industry Forum or Panel proposal and number of past attendees, if applicable
- Short biography (200 words) of Industry Forum or Panel speakers
- Any other information that may assist in making decisions
Industry Forum and Panel Proposal Submission
Industry Forum and Panel proposal submissions should be submitted to IEEE FNWF’23 Industry Forum and Panel Track as a single PDF file online via EDAS.
Industry Forum and Panel Chair/Co-CHAIR
Ajay Rajkumar, AT&T Labs, USA
Furkan Ercan, Intel Corporation, USA