Call for Workshop Proposals
IEEE FNWF’23 will host a series of workshops featuring topics relevant to the future networks community on the latest research, engineering, standards, and business issues.
Call for Tutorial Proposals
IEEE FNWF’23 solicits proposals for Tutorials that complement the regular program with clear and focused coverage of new and emerging topics within the scope of the conference.
Call for Topical and Vertical Proposals
IEEE FNWF’23 welcomes submissions from organizational professionals, researchers, entrepreneurs, educators, and more. As a cross-sector, cross-disciplinary, topical vertical session, we seek submissions from a wide range of contexts, sectors, academia, and industries.
Call for Industry Forum and Panel Proposals
IEEE FNWF’23 will organize Industry Forum and Panel Sessions. Industry-focused sessions are encouraged, but a forum or panel outside the industry (government or research) will also be considered.
Call for Demonstrations
The demonstrations are aimed at the researchers, practicing engineers, and technical managers who need to understand both technical and practical aspects of new and emerging topics within the scope of communications, networking, industrial practices/standards, and so on.
Call for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Forum Proposals
IEEE FNWF’23 welcomes proposals for individual talks or panels that can give the Future Networks community fresh insights into how entrepreneurs are playing an innovative role. Start-ups are invited to showcase their innovation in this track.