IEEE Future Networks World Forum
13–15 November 2023 // Baltimore, MD, USA
Imagining the Network of the Future



Symposium Paper Submission: 21 July 2023 8 September 2023 02 October 2023 (FINAL)
Symposium Paper Acceptance Notification: 1 September 2023 Rolling
Camera-Ready Submission: 10 October 2023


  • Antonio Skarmeta, Universidad de Murcia, Spain
  • Kostas Trichias, 6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association (6G-IA)
  • Mario Scillia, Programme Officer, European Commission
  • Mikko A. Uusitalo, Nokia Bell Labs


The work for 6G Networks and Services has started and multiple activities are taking place at global level. Both evolutionary (from B5G networks onwards) and revolutionary approaches are followed to develop, test and validate innovative technological enablers that will enable the future networks vision at global scale. Some of the aspects investigated by different stakeholders address system architecture, wireless communication technologies and signal processing, communication infrastructure technologies and devices and secure service development.

Besides the technological aspects and technical innovations expected, 6G networks are also designed bearing in mind the key societal challenges that they must address including environmental, economic and societal sustainability and technological sovereignty. A wholistic system design approach has become necessary, addressing both technical and societal aspects and taking into account the complexities of the extended ICT infrastructure and services ecosystem (from vendors and operators, to service providers and individual users).

Within this global movement, Europe is attempting to take a leading role towards the creation of a hopefully single 6G global standard, both on a National level as well as on an EU-level. Some of the EU efforts in this sector can be reflected by the establishment of the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) as a legal and funding entity, as well as by the creation of several National Initiatives (NI) on a member-state level, through the funding of multi-million euro flagship projects, targeting technology development, fostering national innovation and maximization of business impact.

The SNS-JU targets a reinforced European leadership in the field of next generation network technologies (6G), connected devices and services, while accelerating European digital industry uptake and digitisation of economy and society. To that end, a first set of 35 Research and Innovation (R&I) projects have already been funded and started their operations, while  multiple additional projects will be funded until the end of the SNS-JU program (2030) reaching a total of 1.8 Billion funding from the public and private EU sectors combined. Additional EU partnerships and associations addressing micro-electronics, AI and Robotics, photonics, high-performance computing and more, are working in collaboration with the SNS-JU and the NIs, covering all aspects of the necessary technology development for future 6G networks in a wholistic approach.

The goal of this symposium is to present the current advances and approaches to reach 6G and Future Networks vision in Europe and its respective R&I ecosystem, as well as the steps that have been taken to address different enabling technologies / technical enablers and the respective societal challenges. Moreover, the approach towards system-oriented R&I and dedicated prototyping and experimentation will be presented, complementing long-term R&I on disruptive concepts, considering also existing and future collaborations with other regions of the world.


We invite original, high-quality research papers that address the aforementioned aspects for beyond 5G and 6G communication networks. The symposium aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, and industry experts to exchange ideas, discuss challenges, and propose solutions for the next-generation design of 6G networks.

We invite submissions on a wide range of research topics, spanning both theoretical and systems research, including results from industry and academic/industrial collaborations, related but not restricted to the following topics, presenting the actual work and future trends in the research and innovation on 6G in Europe:

  1. Research for revolutionary technology advancements, in preparation for 6G and revolutionary advancements of IoT, devices and software.
  2. Enablers and Proof of Concepts (PoCs) used to further develop, federate and consolidate experimental infrastructure(s), focusing on energy efficient technologies for 6G and open to integrate microelectronics developments coming from other programmes.
  3. Large-scale Trials and Pilots with Verticals, including the required infrastructure. The aim is to explore and demonstrate technologies and advanced applications and services for the vertical domains, as well as the necessary architecture and technological enablers required for large experimentation facilities.
  4. Relevant approaches to deal with societal challenges such as sustainability, energy efficiency, etc. across verticals, validating the exploitation of 6G across different vertical sectors, and its dual approach towards sustainability (6G for sustainability & sustainable 6G).
  5. Collaboration approaches with other region on the world, cross-border testbed and experimentation initiatives/facilities.

Symposium Paper Submission

All papers should be submitted via EDAS, Symposium on Vision and Facts on 6G and Future Networks in Europe track. Full instructions on how to submit papers are provided on the IEEE FNWF 2023 website:



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