IEEE Future Networks World Forum
13–15 November 2023 // Baltimore, MD, USA
Imagining the Network of the Future

S03: Symposium on Blockchain for Future Networks


Symposium Paper Submission: 21 July 2023 8 September 2023 02 October 2023 (FINAL)
Symposium Paper Acceptance Notification: 1 September 2023 Rolling
Camera-Ready Submission: 10 October 2023


Blockchain is an open-source distributed database using state-of-the-art cryptography through a distributed ledger that enables trust among disparate individuals or third parties. Blockchain gives us a payment and data-integrity platform that can help build trust in digital environments. AI gives computers an unbounded intelligence that is starting to rival the human mind. At present, there is very little crossover between the two disciplines. Each offers a vastly different value proposition to its users, who, in turn, must acquire different skill sets and master different technology.

But looking into the near future, this situation is changing rapidly. Blockchains can now accommodate large transaction volumes, opening up use cases in data services. For AI, this means that our algorithms can have integrity: we can be sure of the training set, algorithm development, and verifiable computation. This results in greater trust in our AI models and the removal of ambiguity and doubt. Successful models can also be reinforced by positive incentive models paid out in native blockchain tokens or other digital assets. Blockchain-based identity management can also help protect computers against complex human vs. AI identity questions in advertising and other consumer-facing services.

This symposium seeks high-quality and innovative technical articles from industry and academic blockchain experts to address future network topics. Priority will be given to real-world use cases that can be implemented today.


We invite submissions on a wide range of research topics, spanning both theoretical and systems research, including results from industry and academic/industrial collaborations, related but not restricted to the following topics:

  • Blockchain for Future Networks
  • Blockchain for IoT
  • Distributed Computing
  • Blockchain Databases
  • Integration with Emerging Technologies
  • Blockchain Tools
  • Regulation and Law Enforcement


Symposium Paper Submission

All papers should be submitted via EDAS, Symposium on Blockchain for Future Networks track. Full instructions on how to submit papers are provided on the IEEE FNWF 2023 website:




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